

With the ever-increasing internet-related security threats and escalating compliance requirements, businesses today must do all they can to protect themselves and their networks.

While most businesses have a security solution of some kind in place, typically encompassing a firewall and other filtering systems. These still need to be complemented by an effective security strategy to be truly successful.

Understanding, identifying, classifying that data appropriately, is key to getting business done! Where knowledge once simply meant power, in the world of data it now means much more. It can help you strengthen your security posture and reduce risk. Maintain an unsullied corporate reputation. Address security compliance requirements. And make business decisions that are informed, fast, and incisive. That’s not just power, its intelligence and control. And it’s possible with CareWare IT Security Services.

Are you doing enough to protect your business?
CareWare IT designs security and controls layers to protect every point of your network, ensuring that your administrative overhead is minimised whilst the effectiveness of the solution is maximised.

Our experts work with you to construct a full view of your data landscape. That means reviewing relevant policies. Conducting consultative and technical data assessments. As well as taking stock of your data at the server, at the desktop, in devices, on Microsoft® SharePoint® sites, on the network, in emails, in instant messages, with partners and vendors, and everywhere in between.